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About RC22

Hello Eastern Suffolk NYSUT Retiree!


When you retire, you may think that your union years are behind you, but you should be UNION FOR LIFE! Why? Your hard-earned pension and benefits, Social Security, Medicare and those premium reimbursements are not all cemented in place. There are always political and economic pressures that put them at risk for reductions. In fact, political attacks on public education can impact future union negotiations and can impact retiree benefits. It is NYSUT, even in our retirement, that strengthens our collective voices and protects our pension fund and benefits.


If you join the NYSUT Retiree Chapter in your district, you are automatically a member of Retiree Council 22 which is for retirees of school districts on the east end of LI. If you do not have a NYSUT retiree chapter in your district, you may join RC-22 as an individual member for the small annual participation fee of $5 each school year, due in September. That membership gives you representation and advocacy within NYSUT, and support when you have benefit questions or other related issues that may arise in retirement. SO- take your union with you into your retirement. We are UNION for life!


Please complete and send the attached form and $5 check payable to RC-22 to the address below. Your email and mailing address will only be used for our union communication and will never be given to any other organization, any candidate or cause.


With your enrollment in our RC-22, you get access to retiree union events, a periodic newsletter and an invite to our fall and spring informational retiree meetings. We offer a Zoom meeting link so even if you move away in retirement, or cannot attend a meeting in person, you won't lose contact with our union. 


Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and long retirement!


Terry Kalb

Retiree Council 22 President


Click here for the Membership Form

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